Thursday, June 23, 2011

A little more chaos

Today was another one of those chaos with a purpose days.  I had some more sewing to do and then various other projects going on at the same time.

As I ironed and cut and pinned, I listened to Isabella tell Titus all about the dress she was going to make for her Josephina doll.

She told him, " Prepare to be AMAZE"   :)
He was a good brother and listened attentively.

Hadassah wanted a closer look at what mama was doing.

I finished the burp clothes that I wanted to get done today - YAY

It has been a busy week around here.  On Monday we met with an agent from ATF ( Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms)  to finish up the last step to getting our Federal Firearms License.
Two to four weeks and we will officially be in business!
                                                          Papa's Gunsmithing.

Tuesday I woke up with another migraine!  Yuck but on the positive side I think we have figured out what is triggering them.

Wednesday we recovered from Tuesday ;)

And then we have today. . . trying to get a bunch of projects done before Friday cleaning before company comes.  Whew.  Sometimes I am amazed by how the week is gone before I have registered that it even started.

On a school note - Caleb finished the math book he has been working on - WOOHOO
I am trying something new with his creative writing.  I called my mom for help and she gave me some good perspective.  SO I am trying to teach Caleb grammar from a different angle and keeping it out of his creative writing book at the moment.
Bailey has been struggling with reading.  In fact he will tell you he hates it.  His speech issues have created some of his struggles.  Yesterday we got Explode the Code, we thought we would try something different.  Bailey was so excited and he is actually enjoying working through it at the moment.

My little guy decided I was taking too long getting him clothes after his shower.  He was so proud of himself.  No, he did not get a diaper on though.

And last but not least my 13 month old baby . . . . 
 . . . . . peeking into the big world outside.
                                                 P.S.  - She did get up there all by herself.


Momma Bug said...

Last picture - my favorite.

You are a busy lady!
What did mom tell you?
Who's coming to visit?
Am I being nosy?
Do we care?


Rebecca Fowler said...

Courtney, what did you find out was causing your migraines?? Also..... Chicky (Annabelle) was just doing the same thing Hadassah was doing in the bottom photo, but she fell in between the couch and the window seal and her teeth went through her lips! MAJOR scare, minor stitches! The cutest thing was watching her watch her daddy out of the window mowing the grass... Until she fell!

Tell little Hadassah, "BE CAREFUL" and don't follow in Chicky's footsteps, hehehe!



Courtney said...

Analene, It is my favorite picture too! My mom suggested letting his creative writing notebook be his place to let go and not worry about grammar. Then I will teach him grammar and sentence structure separately. I really want him to see it as a tool to make himself better understood and not a confining box. The theory is as he better understands it, he will incorporate it into his own writing.

We have the Thomson boys here, and then Vanessa, Breanne and Clayton and his friend over. Then Monday we have another family over : ) I Love company - hint hint

Rebecca, So my migraines are definitely hormonal. I realized they are every 28 days ; )
I am hoping we can figure out a way to prevent them now. Hadassah is not actually allowed to get up on the back of the couch but we are still training and training and . . . Anyway I snuck in a picture right before she got in trouble :D Because it is soo cute.
I am praying for you and Deedles!
Love ya, Courtney