Thursday, May 26, 2011

Blessings in Pain

Numbness . . Fog  . . Pain

This morning I woke up to an alarm going off for Stephen's physical therapy.  As I reached for the clock I felt confusion and my arm felt numb and I thought "oh no, not today", but I knew it was, I was getting a migraine.  I told Stephen and as he was trying to get ready to leave he ran around getting medication, a heating pad, drinks, and something to snack on.  I tried with my befuddled brain to organize my thoughts and figure out a plan for handling the kids.  I knew that Hadassah was going to wake up sometime soon and Titus.  I asked/slightly slurred whether Caleb was awake.  I knew until Stephen came home I was going to need to rely on him.  He was still sleeping but Bailey was snuggled up in our bed. " I will help you mama."  Ever ready to be my hero.

I started talking to God, praying that the babies would sleep extra long this morning, asking what he wanted me to hear from Him right now.  I always can hear him Him more clearly during a migraine. Everything else fades into the background, it has to.  Things were brought to memory of attitudes I needed to adjust, moments I should have handled differently and times I didn't stop and listen to Him.  As things would come to mind we would deal with them and move on.  Why does it take a migraine for me to be still?  God willing I will learn to be still without one, to use my time more wisely.

The boys were troopers.  They got the babies out of bed, fed them and cleaned them up.  How much life has changed having older children!  I get migraines very infrequently now.  They are usually related to hormones for me.  I was blessed by the fact that Stephen only had to be gone for a couple hours.  He came home and took the kids on a four mile walk, leaving Caleb home in case I needed something. The pain was never as bad as it has been before in the past :)  and this afternoon I worked my way downstairs to join my wonderful family.  So I here I sit, blessed to have the family I do, sad to have missed the day with them and moving a little on the slow side.

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