After saying goodbye to Stephen at the airport I spent the next couple months out of country. It was an incredible time of stretching and learning. A period of opening my eyes to other cultures and opening my eyes to seeing myself more clearly - the good, the bad and the ugly. The people there were incredible. It would take many posts to write about my experiences there.
When I came home I was jetlagged, exhausted, filled to the brim and oh, 25 pounds heavier
;) What can I say - the food is the best. We spent the next week catching up on sleep, debriefing, unpacking and repacking, as we figured out where each of us was going next in life. I lined up a job at a resort near the base to start the day after Graduation. I like being prepared and having a plan. . . . wow, that statement of having a plan is soooo funny in view of what follows
:D (Being a military wife means almost never knowing what the plan is and as soon as you do, it is a sure thing it will change - I love it now.) Stephen and his brother came up a few days before graduation. We chatted on and off.
Then one night most of the base decided to go into town to see a movie. I wasn't really interested and stayed home. Stephen stayed back as well. I started reading a book and he was busy doing whatever he was doing . Then he said to me, " if you get a coat I will take you on a walk." So I got up and went to get a shawl. We started walking on a dirt road up in the mountains (this was in the middle of nowhere). It was very dark and there was only the moonlight and the stars. We walked along talking and chatting. I don't remember everything that was said. I do remember he quoted
The Hobbit and Pride and Prejudice ! I remember there was a large rustle in the bushes near us and I walked to his other side. He smiled really big at that and I told him "I was just setting it up so I could run while you were being eaten." I remember telling him I loved Willow trees and he told me they were horrible on pipes because their roots looked like their tops ( he was a hopeless romantic
;) We talked and walked for a long ways and we were both attracted to each other but neither of us talked about it. When we got back we watched a movie with a couple friends and then went our separate ways to head to bed. The next couple days were so busy getting ready for graduation.
Where he met my parents . . . .