Saturday, August 13, 2011

Our Day

I was dragged from bed this morning, and through my fuzzy state and even fuzzier vision my husband asked if I wanted Cracker Barrel or IHOP.  Once I was able to think clearly I was excited.

Side note - As I am typing this my husband just chuckled and said, "After 11 and 1/2 years I finally get my revenge."  You see when Stephen and I had been married for about a week, we had a day to play.  I, being a morning person, was wanting to make the day count.  And Stephen, being a night person, wanted to make the day count too, just in a different way.  He woke up to me bouncing up and down on the end of the bed, perky and sunshiney very early in the morning.  "Honey, hey honey, what do you want to do today, what are our plans?"  He groaned and thought ( at least I think he thought) , " Oh no, what have I gotten myself into?"

Back to this morning - I told my husband I only got 3 hours of sleep last night ( babies awake and some rowdy neighbors).  He smiled and said I only got one, so let's make the day fun since we are going to be tired anyway.
We ended up going to Cracker Barrel and had a blast.  Then when it was time to leave we were so blessed to find out someone had paid for our meal.
Then our morning just got better - we went to a gun show. And THEN someone gave us a gun . . . no, no, not really.  We did go to a gun show just didn't get a gun.
Today ended up being grocery shopping day for our family.  I only shop every 2 weeks and try to stay out of the store the rest of the time.  It is harder to spend money that way :)
While at Costco I ran into a friend I have not seen in 12 years!  Not only that but she has kids now and is homeschooling and lives 10 minutes form our house.   Such a fun day!
I was busy in the kitchen yesterday when I looked at my son and saw his double-fisted approach to eating.  He is truly a Smith boy! 

We started something new in school yesterday that the kids are excited about.  I will have to blog about that later :)
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1 comment:

Momma Bug said...

Sounds like fun:-)

I was thinking I would have enjoyed watching your breakfast from a few tables over. I wonder what that person saw that inspired paying for two breakfasts!

I love ya. Miss you. Can't wait to see you guys!