Sunday, May 6, 2012

Gabric's Birth

The week leading up to Gabric's birth I had been sick with a cough and cold.  Every night I had felt frustrated with not being able to sleep because of a constant tickle in my throat.  On Wednesday night it was especially bad and in the middle of the night I was reading in bed on my phone unable to sleep.  I was praying and giving my worries to God - worries about going into labor sick.  Thusday morning when I woke up I still had my phone in my hand and right there filling the screen was this verse:

And after you have suffered a
            little while,
the God of all grace, who has
 called you to His eternal glory in Christ,
will himslf restore, confirm, strengthen and establish you
1 Peter 5:10

  I also woke up feeling so much better.  I felt like God was pouring encouragement into me and refreshing me.  I went about my day trying to get things ready for my mama and daddy, who were coming in that evening.  I was abuzz in anticipation of my parents getting here, everything being done and then waiting to have my baby :)  Well at about 3pm or so I noticed a change in how I was feeling.  I was getting last minute cleaning up done and was getting ready to go to the store for last minute food when I had a real contraction.  "No, I am just imagining things" I thought. 
I went to tell Stephen I was about ready to go to the store and I had another one. 
Hmm these contractions were feeling different but this couldn't really be happening.  I was not expecting to go into labor yet and my mom wasn't coming in for 7 more hours.  I started pacing the house a little bit, I felt restless.  At a little after 4 I called my mom and broke the news that I thought that I was in labor.  She had me call the midwife who was going to deliver Gabric if my mom wasn't here to do it. 
I still was in denial that I was labor.
  Stephen had a M1 Garand in itty bitty pieces all over our kitchen island.  I told him I was in labor and he picked up the pace on his work but he couldn't just leave it there.  Now usually when I have a baby I have time but the labor felt different.  My midwife's intern got to my house and checked me. 
"You are at a 4cm " she said.  Well maybe, I did still have time.  A 4 is really not much - I called my mom to give her the good news.  Then worked on helping organize dinner for the kids.  I had a few more contractions and suddenly my water broke all over the kitchen floor. 
That was a first!
 I have had to have my midwife break my water every birth after I have been at a 10cm.  I made my way to my room and got on my birth ball.  Stephen was finally able to wrap up what he was doing.  He came and sat with me through contractions.  I rocked and relaxed and tried to wrap my mind around the fact that I was having a baby right now.  At about 7pm I moved over to the bed for a few contractions. 
The whole time I was talking to God and praying through my pain and any fears I had.  I felt like he said go ahead and push a little bit, so I did.  At this point the contractions were getting to the overwhelming stage and I was telling Him it was getting to be too much. I felt like he said it was almost over and then after one more contraction I felt like I should get up and get ready to push him out.  ( I have found from past experience that I push out babies standing up)
 I stood up and told my midwife I was ready to push.  She checked me, said I just had the smallest lip and to go ahead and try some small pushes.  She heard someone pull up in our driveway and walked to the window to see if it was the midwife.  At the same time I felt a contraction and pushed and Gabric slid right down.  I hollered that the baby was coming and Christie ran back and caught Gabric as he slid out.  He had his cord wrapped around his neck twice and she quickly took care of it. 
I couldn't believe it!  I was already done.  He was born. 
They helped me to sit back on the ground and suddenly our door flew open and my three year old Titus came running into the room.  He stood there gaping and said "  Mama, the baby came out of your belly!"  :D  He was quickly followed by Caleb and Isabella. 
He was born at 7:40.  I was in labor for only a little over 4 hours ( part of which I wasn't even sure I was in labor).  He came out in one push which is beyond incredible for me as that is when I have trouble usually.  I was so very blessed to bleed very little which last time was cause for me to transfer to the hospital. 
All in all it was the most awesome birth and such a blessing.


Momma Bug said...

Wow! That is pretty hard to beat!
Are you sure you don't want to try it again?

Love you dear friend!

Jen said...

I wish I could be there with you; I'd love to give you a hug. God is good. Love you.

Anonymous said...

You are an awesome woman, mama, and daughter, and I love you.

PS - it was alright not waiting for me ;-)